Mittwoch, 26. Oktober 2011

First Entry (Reflection)

Write down your first impression of the book or play. Copy whole passages that are difficult or that you really like a lot.

My first impressions of the book are very positive. Te story is written in an interesting and thrilling way, and the language the author uses is quite easy to understand. Apart from a factual report of what happened on 15 January 2009, it’s also autobiographic, which means that we get to know a lot about the personal background of the writer. As a passage I really like a lot, I take the section on page 2, which describes how the author felt during his first solo flight. I can well identify with him because I’m also a licensed private pilot and I remember in an unforgettable way my feelings when I made my first solo flight on a Grob(G115B) plane in 2008.
By the way, I warmly recommend this book to all those who are interested to know more in detail how it came to that heroic landing on the Hudson River.

(179 words)

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